Monday, August 18, 2008

Picture Personality

I did the following based on recommendation from Beth. I call it Picture Personality. The concept here is that you answer 12 questions, and use the answers to find 12 photos on Flickr to create a mosaic that is personalized to you. Here's how you do it!

  1. Answer each of the questions below; making sure to write the answers down somewhere (it is much easier if you take the time to answer all the questions first; it isn't as easy as it looks)

  2. Open both the Flickr and Mosaic Maker websites

  3. On the Mosaic Maker website, change the rows/columns to be 3x4 or 4x3 (since there will be 12 pictures that make your mosaic - do ya get it - 12 questions, 12 pictures)

  4. Now for each answer (to the 12 questions) a) type your answer (only) into the Flickr search box, b) look through the pictures on the first page (only) and select the picture that you like the best (copy the URL to the picture), then c) paste the URL to that picture into the mosaic URL text boxes

  5. When you are finished, click the Create Mosaic button, and walla!

Here are the twelve questions; with my answers added :)

  1. What is your first name? Stephen
  2. What is your favorite food? Lobster

  3. What high school did you go to? Fellowship Bible School

  4. What is your favorite color? Black

  5. Who is your celebrity crush? Zooey Deschanel

  6. Favorite drink? Chocolate Milk

  7. Dream vacation? House on Snowy Mountain Side

  8. Favorite dessert? Cherry Pie

  9. What you want to be when you grow up? Missions Investor

  10. Favorite morning past time? Reading Bible

  11. One Word to describe you? Eclectic

  12. Your flickr name? Stephen Peront

This was a *very* kewl way to waste an hour :). Thanks, Beth!

(c) Copyright 2008 - Stephen Peront - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're welcome - - it IS a very fun way to spend, hmmm, 3 hours. Ha ha. it is a very telling little excercise; and something in me likes condensing a personality into a little bite size. kinda like little chocolates. you are a chocolate covered cherry and i am a mocha fudge truffle.